Dr Masoud Bonyadi
Otolarygologist & Head & Neck surgeon
Member of American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine
Member of Medical Council of Canada (LMCC)
Member of Medical Iraninan Medical Laser Association


An eyelid lift, or blepharoplasty, can describe any number of procedures for eyelid rejuvenation. For the upper eyelid lift (blepharoplasty), we remove a very small measure of extra skin when there is excessive skin hooding of the upper eyelid, but in most cases we prefer to combine facial fat transfer to create the right convexity and shape of a youthful eyelid. The puffy lower eyelids or sagging upper eyelids may belie the more youthful energy and temperament that a person has within. A simple procedure that can correct this tired look may provide a considerable uplift in one’s spirits and outlook and also favorably impact upon public perception. 

we use a non-external incision approach (known as transconjunctival) to remove the excess fat of the lower eyelid in most cases Not one single technique for eyelid surgery is ideal for everyone, and we will decide with you what is the most appropriate method to bring back your beautiful, vibrant eyes. 

To schedule an eyelid lift consultation call (+9821) 22859098 or (+9821) 22865536 or email us . The details of your eyelid lift (both the limitations and the benefits in your particular situation) will be explained to you during your consultation with Dr. Bonyadiand his team.