Dr Masoud Bonyadi
Otolarygologist & Head & Neck surgeon
Member of American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine
Member of Medical Council of Canada (LMCC)
Member of Medical Iraninan Medical Laser Association


Rhinoplasty surgery is performed from inside the nose by using special delicate instruments. The bone, cartilage, and soft tissues of the nose are reduced in size, ranged, or sculptured to obtain a desirable natural appearing result. No external scars are left, unless excessively large nostrils require reduction in size. If any external incisions are necessary, we will discuss them with you and camouflage them through tiny incisions in natural skin creases. 
surgical correction of the nasal deformities should never be performed without contemplating and analyzing the surrounding facial features. In our discussions we will explain to you how we can best accomplish the changes you desire, always keeping in mind the need to keep the nose in harmony with your particular individual facial features. 
All surgical procedures carry some degree of risk. Fortunately, risk of anesthesia in rhinoplasty surgery are quite small. The vast majority of patients undergo surgery and postoperative healing with no significant complications of any kind. Rarely and infrequently, complications such as some degree of postoperative bleeding, delayed healing, small irregularities and slight asymmetries of the nose can occur, since not all of these factors are under the control of the surgeon. 
In some patients with badly deformed noses (severely twisted, badly frac¬tured, etc.) it is not always possible to correct all nasal deformities in one single operation; occasionally a second "touch-up" minor procedure might be required several months to one year following the initial major operation to improve the result and/or correct inappropriate healing. 


Plans will be made for your admission to a “Day Clinic” the morning of your surgery.The operation is usually performed under general anesthesia. Almost all patients are discharged a few hours following surgery feeling quite comfortable. 
Aesthetic rhinoplasty typically is performed to reduce the overall size of the nose, reshape a tip, remove a nasal hump or improve a poor angle between the nose and the upper lip. In some patients it is necessary to add tissue in order to improve contour. One or all of these changes can be made during a single operation. 

To schedule a Rhinoplasty consultation call (+9821) 22859098 or (+9821) 22865536 or email us . The details of your Rhinoplasty procedure (both the limitations and the benefits in your particular situation) will be explained to you during your Rhinoplasty consultation with Dr. Bonyadi and his team.